PSA: Your Attachment Style Can Really Affect Your Relationships—Here’s How

Picture this: After the 1,000th swipe on Tinder, you meet someone who seems to have some potential. Theyre a good conver

6 Things My Therapist Taught Me About Relationships

You probably wouldn’t know by my shining personality, absolutely glowing cheekbones, and constant discussion of the men

There Are Actually 9 Different Types of Orgasms—Here’s How To Have Them All

Thanks to Hollywood and mainstream porn, many of us probably grew up with some very wrong ideas about the big-O. Until I

The Sex Position to Try, Based on Your Enneagram

The first thing you’ll ever hear about sex is that there are tons of positions and that people get themselves into all k

25 Money Questions You Need to Ask Your Significant Other

I get it: money is possibly the least sexy thing to talk about. Youd much rather discuss the latest episode of that Netf

Help! I Hate My Best Friend’s New Partner—What Should I Do?

Source: @somewherelately TBQH, I don’t know if I’ve ever liked any of my closest friends’ partners at first glance. It’s

How to Embrace Your Sexual Fantasies, According to a Sex Therapist

There are some questions that come up more naturally when you’re starting to date someone new. What do you do? Where are

Sex Bucket List: 12 Ways to Get Frisky & Improve Your Sex Life

Whether you’re having sex with your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your best friend, someone you met on Tinder a

Want a Raise? Here’s Exactly How To Ask Your Boss

You’re going to ask for a raise. Did your stomach just leap into your throat at the sight of that sentence? I can’t blam

How To Nail That Follow-Up Interview, According to Experts

If youre gearing up for that second (or third) job interview and are freaking out just a bit, sit back and unclench your


10 Date Ideas That Don’t Involve Drinking

Abstaining from alcohol has become the new normal for many millennials and Gen Zers, with health and hangover-related is

French Cooking 101