These standing abs exercises will get you off the floor and work your core in a brand new way.

The Benefits of Standing Abs Exercises

Traditional core work has a way of looking the same — namely, it tends to take you down to the floor. But since your core plays such a huge role in keeping you upright (giving you that lovely, erect posture), it only makes sense that standing abs exercises offer plenty of benefits, too. A strong core is more than just a flat stomach — standing abs exercises and other functional core moves will make you stronger, help prevent injuries, and support you in every other workout you do. And with a standing abs workout, you’ll engage more muscles at once and improve your postural support more, compared to most traditional floor exercises.

Try the below standing abs exercises at home, in your hotel room, or at the gym — no lying on any dirty floors required.

How it works: Do 3 sets of the recommended number of reps for each exercise. For best results, do this standing abs workout after your regular strength or cardio session up to four days a week.

Standing Bicycle

A. Stand with feet together, knees slightly bent, hands behind head, and left heel lifted.

B. Brace abs in tight and lift left knee up as right shoulder rotates toward knee (try to touch). Lower back to start.

Do 20 reps per side.


The Hardest Obliques Workout Your Abs Will Ever Experience

Extended Toe Touch

A. Stand on right leg, knee slightly bent, with left leg extended low behind hip.

B. Extend right arm straight overhead, palm facing forward. Slightly extend spine and lift chest, raising left leg behind body as far as possible and reaching right arm up.

C. Scoop abs into spine and sweep left leg forward, reaching right hand to toes. Return to starting position.

Do 10 reps per side.

Rotating Deadlift

A. Stand in a split stance with left foot forward, knees slightly bent, hands behind head.

B. Engage abs and hinge forward from hips, keeping spine naturally straight, until chest is almost parallel to floor.

C. As body returns upright (maintaining flat back), rotate torso to the left, looking back over left shoulder.

Do 15 reps per side.

(BTW, deadlifts aren’t just for standing abs workouts. Here’s how to incorporate the move into your fitness routine.)

Stepping Chop

A. Stand with feet together, knees bent, hands clasped, and arms extended overhead.

B. Take a wide step out to the side with left leg as arms chop down to left hip.

C. Bring left foot back to right and swing arms overhead to the right.

Do 20 reps per side.

Skating Windmill

A. Stand on left leg, right leg bent behind body, foot lifted low.

B. Bend left knee and lean forward, reaching right arm to the floor in front of left foot, extending left arm up behind body.

C. Jump off left foot and leap to the right, bending elbows and bringing hands together in mid-air. Land on right leg with knee bent, reaching left arm to right foot, right arm extended behind body.

D. Repeat to the other side. That's one rep.

Do 10 reps.

(When you’re ready to take a break from your standing abs workout, try this weighted abs exercises for a strong, sculpted core.)


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