Combine the postural and strengthening benefits of Pilates with the fat-burning, cardio potential of HIIT, and you have the perfect at-home workout routine.

The Best Pilates for Weight Loss Routine

Steal this formula from David and Dylan Schenk, a husband-wife personal training team and co-founders of LIFT Society in Hollywood, California, to strike the perfect balance in your workout routine.

“When we switched to alternating days of high-intensity circuits with Pilates-based workouts, our clients’ mats were just dripping,” says Dylan of the aha moment when she knew they’d hit upon the perfect Pilates for weight loss plan.

By combining the benefits of Pilates (increased core strength, flexibility, and pelvic floor strength, to name a few) with the benefits of HIIT (boosted fat burn, metabolism, and cardiovascular health, and more), you get the ultimate workout mix.

How it works: There are two circuits here: a strength circuit using a kettlebell and a bodyweight Pilates circuit. Warm up by holding a plank pose for two minutes, then do each circuit up to three times. Don't rest between each move, but rest as needed between rounds. (Beginners, start with one round and build up to three.) Aim to do the workout three times a week.

What you’ll need: A light kettlebell, around 4lbs. Once you get the hang of the Pilates for weight loss exercises, go heavier; always choose a weight that you can control, though. No bell? Use a five- to eight-pound dumbbell instead.

Turkish Get-Down

Targets: shoulders, back, chest, arms, and abs, butt, and legs

Do 10 lunges, alternating legs; switch sides and repeat.

(Watch this video for more tips on how to master the Turkish get-up and get-down.)

Clean to Overhead Press

Targets: shoulders, back, chest, arms, abs, butt, and legs.

Do 20 reps, alternating sides.

Pistol Squat

Targets: back, biceps, butt, and legs

Do 10 reps, then switch legs and repeat.

Side Plank Row

Targets: back, arms, abs, and obliques

Do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Rear Lunge to Dead Lift

Targets: back, biceps, abs, butt, and legs

Do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Atomic Burpee

Targets: shoulders, back, chest, abs, butt, and legs

Do 10 reps.

Down Dog Reach

Targets: arms and abs

Do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Crab Toe Touch

Targets: abs and legs

Do 10 reps, alternating sides.


Targets: arms and abs

Do 20 reps. If doing the single-leg version, do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Side X

Targets: abs and thighs

Do 10 reps; switch sides and repeat.


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